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  • Writer's pictureQueen's For Parkinson's Kingston

PD Organizations to Donate to

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

There are many ways to contribute to the Parkinson's community. Donations made towards PD research or to PD support groups equally advance the community. Should you wish to donate we have compiled a list of PD organizations you can choose to donate to. Thank you!

Parkinson Canada Kingston Chapter and QPK

Please E-transfer to for donations (autodeposit). All donations and funds raised by QPK ultimately go towards Parkinson Canada Kingston chapter. QPK is not for profit.

Parkinson Canada

"The Parkinson Canada Research Program funds innovative research to search for better treatments and a cure" (Parkinson Canada).

Donate here.

Parkinson's Superwalk

"Funds raised through Parkinson Canada SuperWalk go to support education and support services in the communities where the money is raised, as well as research and other national programs like advocacy, a toll-free information and referral line and education for health care professionals. Monies also support the National Research Program toward finding better treatments and a cure for Parkinson's" (Parkinson Canada Superwalk).

Donate here.

Thank you for any contribution you are able to make!


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Catherine Roberta
Catherine Roberta

I was diagnosed 2011. i was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. My symptoms progressed quickly. Soon i was having difficulty breathing, swallowing and even walking short distances. With the help of Health Herbs Clinic natural herbs I have been able to reverse my symptoms using diet, herbs, which i feel has made the most difference. The Parkinson’s natural formula immensely helped my condition, it reversed my Parkinson’s. my slurred speech, then the tremors, and mobility gradually disappeared, even my handwriting is getting better visit their website at healthherbsclinic . com people are suffering from this horrible disease due to lack of information.

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